The “SUMHEIS Project – Summer School Development Programme for European HEIs” project, financed under ERASMUS+ Programme, Key Action 2 – KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education (project reference number 2019-1-IT02-KA203-062984), as an important project to address the following priorities:

1. Exploring the landscape of Summer School offer in Europe

2. Increasing the number and quality of Summer School Programs in Europe

3. Fostering open educational and innovative practices in a digital area

4. Promoting

5. Supporting and training academic staff in defining Summer School programs

The project aims at the following objectives


SumHEIS is structured around four (4) main Intellectual Outputs (IOs) and will include the implementation of one (1) Training Activity in Italy and four (4) Multiplier Events in each of the participants’ partner countries.


The project's duration is 36 months from 1/9/2019 until 31/08/2022.

Project Results: From goals to results”


Better delivery of services in existing Summer Schools


Development of new Summer Schools


Joint initiatives among HEIs and organizations in delivering Summer Schools


Academic and administrative staff are better equipped in designing, delivering, operating, managing and promoting Summer Schools in their HEIs


Deliverance of scalable solution for training staff in HEIs that do not run Summer Schools, but aim to develop new initiatives on the field


Stronger internationalization of HEIs through Summer School Programmes


New training opportunities for students, academics and administrative personnel


A comprehensive and detailed analysis of what benefits and impact Summer Schools bring to their institutions


Sharing of Good Practices in the area of Summer Schools