Summer schools generally refer to “a course of lectures held during school and university summer [or winter – authors’ note] vacations, taken as part of an academic course or as an independent course of study for professional or personal purposes”. Summer school plays a crucial role in the HEIs system. But, still it is more “more an art than a science”


We are a consortium of 7 partners (Sapienza University of Rome, SYDIC, AKMI Metropolitan College, University of West Attica, Maynooth University, University of Latvia, University of Pavia),  from 4 European countries – ItalyGreece, Latvia and Ireland, each one of whom aims at bringing its own experience and expertise on designing and developing a “Model” Summer School Office as an innovative and prototype tool for the development of a successful summer school to be used by HEIs.


The project’s main challenge is to design a “Model” Summer School Office as an innovative and prototype tool to be used by HEIs. SumHEIs aims to contribute answering a variety of questions concerning the successful operation of a summer school and filling this knowledge gap. It recognizes that summer schools’ organizers cannot rely just on their skills and common sense if they want to be robust, competitive and sustainable in the long-term. SumHEIs defined 3 priority areas of action. From there, it develops 5 main goals, which in turn are expected to lead to 9 articulated results. The workflow is structured in 4 Intellectual Outputs. Summer School Programmes are an innovative approach to education, as they are credited as short-course programmes with a strong international perspective hosted by HEIs and other institutions. Our programme will ensure that more institutions will have the capacity to implement such programmes in the future, offering them the base for developing skills and competencies for effectively running Summer Schools as innovative educational and pedagogical procedures.